The joke received another burst of virality after on September 10th, 2021, Twitter user replied to a post by writing that in order to fix Fortnite making "every female skin naked" and adding "hot sex and porn" was required. The post (shown below) was widely circulated online in the following months for example, a same-day repost in /r/comedyheaven received over 8,800 upvotes in six months.

On June 30th, 2020, Redditor chef_jeff_likes_meat made a similar post titled, "Fortnite needs sex" in /r/FortNiteBR and /r/ copypasta subreddits, with the post gaining over 12,100 upvotes in /r/copypasta. On January 14th, 2020, Redditor gcsawesome posted the earliest found meme referencing the post, a The World If meme that gained over 1,800 upvotes in six months (shown below). On January 14th, 2020, iFunny user _Nezuko_Kamado_ reposted the image, with the post accumulating over 25,300 smiles in one year. For example, on December 4th, 2019, Redditor milesbt posted a screenshot to /r/ihadastroke subreddit, where it gained over 39,100 upvotes in six months. In the following months, screenshots of the post saw viral spread online. The post received over 800 upvotes in /r/FortNiteBR prior to being removed. The post is presumed to be ironic and is the only post submitted by the account.

On September 7th, 2019, Redditor ThiccJames made a post titled "Add Skin with big boob And sex in the Game" in /r/FortNiteBR subreddit, writing that they like "big boob" and requesting that sex was added to the game (shown below).